Lamp and Light | Brandon Pressnell | Lamp for Instruction, Light for our Culture

Lamp and Light | Brandon Pressnell | Lamp for Instruction, Light for our Culture
Madison Church of Christ Sermons
Lamp and Light | Brandon Pressnell | Lamp for Instruction, Light for our Culture

Sep 29 2024 | 00:39:35

Episode September 29, 2024 00:39:35

Show Notes

After a generational rebellion and 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, God's people were finally prepared to enter the Promised Land. Moses, knowing he will not enter the land with them, reminds them of their rescue from slavery and calls every father in the camp to heed the words of God's instruction so that they may overwhelm the pagan culture of the land and flourish. Our marching orders remain the same today. Remember our bondage in sin and how Christ rescued us so that we may enter our culture with the light of His goodness and provision.

This sermon was recorded on Sep 29, 2024.

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